Bernard Hiller, one of the top celebrity acting and life coaches worldwide: “You’re either getting better or bitter.”


Bernard Hiller is one of the most sought-after acting coaches across the globe. Bernard’s approach is very different from other acting coaches; he teaches his actors “the language of success”. He has also helped many celebrities and actors to achieve their goals and dreams. Superstar guests visit his masterclasses all the time. Recently he had Peter Farrelly, director of the Oscar-winning film “Green Book”, speak at his international class, 48 hours after he had won two Oscars. That has never happened in LA before. This was a transformational experience for all involved.  Bernard told us that Farrelly shared his words of wisdom and told the artists that only joy will bring us to where we need to go. Joy unlocks your potential and your talent. Hiller is endorsed by many celebrities and has interviewed many high-profile actors and directors, including Samuel L Jackson, Leonardo DiCaprio, Bruce Dern, Bryan Cranston, to mention just a few. 

Bernard, can you tell us what you teach actors at your Masterclasses around the world? Why is it important for actors to attend these kinds of classes?

My classes teach actors and artists how to succeed, and how to overcome their blocks and fears; how to discover what is truly special about you. Other schools never seem to do that. Sometimes I say that the “best waiters have come out of Julliard”. Acting schools feel it’s impolite to speak about success. When you take one of my masterclasses you will discover what is stopping you and what you need to transform into a working actor. Success is not an accident it’s a planned event! My methods are considered totally revolutionary by many people in the artistic community.  You must plan for success. If you “fail to plan you plan to fail”. When you’re building a home you need a plan; your life needs a plan as well. Cameron Diaz said that she would’ve never had a film acting career if we hadn’t met and created a plan. My methods and techniques showed her how to find her road to her success. Every single person who takes my class goes to the next level. Remember “you’re either getting better or bitter.”

You even teach Opera singers and people in business to have even better performance in their field of work. How is that different with regards to teaching actors? 

Success principles never vary. To succeed in anything, you must discover your process, your authenticity and how to overcome any blocks and fears that will come up along the way.  I first started teaching opera singers at the most famous opera school in Venice. The opera industry is in trouble; they’re acting is often considered unrealistic.  If opera singers don’t become more truthful in their performances, they’re going to start losing their audiences. My opera singer clients particularly liked working with me because they were able to discover these unique techniques to deliver unique performances. Several have now started to perform at the Met in New York City and at other Opera Houses worldwide. 

As we see in the press you are endorsed by many, recently helping the director of Oscar-winning film “Green Book”, Director Peter Farrelly, was with the class; and incredibly, he even mentioned how Barbra Streisand called him asked him if he was coming to your class.  Allegedly Barbra and her husband has expressed interested in possibly attending.

There are several Oscar-winning actors who I am honored to work with. All successful actors always ask for help. Average people never study and never ask for help, which is why they will never be as great as they could be. Two-times Oscar winner, director, Peter Farrelly said that this was the best and most talented acting class he had ever attended. He told us that only joy will take you to where you need to go. Joy unlocks your potential and your talent. Farrelly told us that awards are not important; integrity, professionalism and creating art, that’s what’s important. h

You are a regular guest at the Oscars, Golden Globes, Grammys and other important awards. How does it feel to be surrounded by celebrities non-stop? 

Being with the best inspires me to be better. They say “you are only as good as the people that surround you”. Superstars want to surround themselves with the best as well. In Hollywood, there is a saying that goes: “It’s not who you know that matters, but who wants to know you”. I don’t feel that I’m surrounded by celebrities. I’m surrounded by artists who are changing the world with their craft. To reach your next level you must be surrounded by people who are doing a lot more things than you. In life, you attract exactly who you are. So if you’re not attracting the right people in your life then you have to change the energy that you give out. I teach people how to find that special quality to attract the right people. 

What are your upcoming projects in Film and TV? 

I’m currently working on a film that we are shooting this year with director, Andy Serkis. My future plans are to create space and opportunities for those who don’t get a chance to be heard or seen by the world. I want to create artistic peace workshops, bringing artists together from different countries could make this a better world. 

Photo credit: Taili Song Roth