Actress and dancer Kat Rogers on how she stays fit


Kat Rogers shares her secrets about her eating and exercising habits with us. Actress Kat told us she has her eating cheat moments and we have to admit we all do, but what is the most important thing is to have a self-discipline and balance when it comes to food to keep your body in shape. She shared her secrets and habits and told us that Jenna Dewan is her inspiration. Kat exercises almost every day, no wonder she keeps her shape so fit then. Dancing is her passion, but she also sometimes does famous Kayla Itsines exercises as well.

Balanced diet

How do you keep your shape so fit? Is there a special diet you have?

Diets have never worked for me, so I usually let myself eat anything in moderation. The second I try to deprive myself I start craving everything. It’s scary. However, if I’m prepping for a shoot or something that requires me to be in better shape than usual, I do eat a much more strict diet for the month or so leading up to it (obviously with the occasional cheat moments). That means I eat mostly salad, vegetables, fish, and chicken. I try to stay away from heavycarbs (like bread), dairy and anything with sugar. Again, I have my cheat moments! Life is too short, heh.


What is your daily routine when it comes to exercise?

Workout about 5-6 days a week. I like to get my workout done early in the morning as much as my schedule allows. I usually start with some kind ofcardio. Luckily, I have two dogs that need a lot of exercises so I really don’t have a choice in the matter! It is usually a 2-6 mile walk/jog/run (depending on how I’m feeling that day).

Sometimes I switch it up by riding my bike or doing something else that involves getting outside. After that, I usually do one of Kayla Itsine’s workouts. Her app, Sweat, is awesome! It works really well for me and is also great for travelers. If I’m at home, I do cardio + weights, but if I’m traveling too much and am limited on time I’ll do one or the other.

Jenna Dewan as an inspiration

In the world of dance, who is your biggest inspiration and why?

I’ve always been a big fan of Jenna Dewan, ever since I was little. Lately, I’ve been really inspired by women in health & fitness. I follow a lot of people on Instagram and other social media that inspire me daily. Because of social media, we have access to so many inspiring people!

Who inspired you to be a dancer?

Growing up, I was super involved in #gymnastics and dance was something that I did on the side. But I always loved it! I think that since it seemed like a hobby to me I never got burnt out which is why I’ve been able to still do it today! When I tried out for DCC, I was inspired by a lot of the girls before me.

Dancing, dancing forever

Sabina: What is your biggest goal in dance?

Kat: I just hope to keep dancing until my legs don’t work anymore! I honestly think it’s one of the best ways to stay young. As far as fitness goes, I hope to continue surprising myself with what my body is capable of and hopefully inspire others to get moving! I actually just teamed up with, where I’ll be creating “how-to” videos for people that don’t know where to start and can learn in the comfort of their own home.

Photo credit: Fitz Crittle